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产品描述: P1200系列压力传感器和变送器提供高精度的液体和气体压力测量。传感器运用高可靠性的应变感测技术和稳定耐高温的电子器件,可以在广泛的温度范围内正常工作。P1200采用17-4PH不锈钢,在外部极端恶劣的环境中提供优越的性能。 特点: •不锈钢 •液体介质测量 •5倍过载压力

美国MEAS压力传感器P1200  的详细介绍

The P1200 Series pressure transducers and transmitters provide high accuracy pressure measurement of
liquids and gases. These robust transducers combine hybrid electronics with highly reliable strain gauge
sensing technology to offer superior performance in rugged applications. Constructed from media compatible
17-4 PH stainless steel, the P1200 provides exceptional performance in extreme environments.
Accuracy of the P1200 is guaranteed to be within ±0.20% F.R.O. over a wide temperature compensated range
of -20°C to 80°C. The P1200 is available with either cable or connector terminations or offers a variety of
outputs including 0-20 mV, 0-100 mV, 0-5 V and 4-20 mA. Six selectable pressure ports are available to suit
most application requirements. Pressure ranges include 0-75 psi to 10,000 psi (0-5 bar to 700 bar) and can be
referenced in absolute, sealed or vented gauge. The P1200 Series maintains a high burst rate of greater that
20x the rated pressure and 5x overpressure limit without damage to the sensor due to a positive over travel
For parts requiring RoHS compliance, please contact factory.


地址:深圳市宝安区沙井镇华丰高新产业园D栋4楼B区 13342964007 mmmengdi@163.com